The defense of a dissertation will be held
27 May 2022The defense of the dissertation "Investigation and numerical solution to inverse and optimal control problems for dynamical systems on given classes of functions" by Anar Rahimov, specialty 1203.01- "Computer Science”, for the degree of Doctor of Mathematics will be held at a meeting of ED 1.19 Dissertation Council at the Institute of Control Systems of ANAS at 4 p.m. on May 27, 2022.
The electronic version of the abstract of A. Rahimov’s dissertation can be found at the following links: AZ, EN
You can join the meeting at the following link:
Topic: Anar Rəhimovun doktorluq müdafiəsi
Time: May 27, 2022 4 p.m. Baku
Join Zoom meeting
Meeting ID: 846 5883 4816
Password: 765291
Joint scientific seminar on “Environmental Strategies for Water Resources Conservation” will be held -