The defense of a dissertation will be held
17 June 2022Dear colleagues,
The defense of the PhD dissertation “Optimality conditions in Goursat-Darboux systems controlled by a boundary condition” by Vusala Suleymanova, specialty 1203.01- "Computer Science”, will be held at a meeting of ED 1.19 Dissertation Council at the Institute of Control Systems of ANAS at 2 p.m. on June 17, 2022.
The electronic version of the abstract of V. Suleymanova’s dissertation can be found at the following links: AZ, EN, RU
You can join the meeting using the following link:
Topic: Vüsalə Süleymanovanın müdafiəsi
Time: June 17, 2022 2 p.m. Baku
Join Zoom meeting
Meeting ID: 890 0940 2384
Password: 343271
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