Place of birth | Azerbaijan Republic, Baku | ![]() |
Date of birth | 20.01.1947 | |
Higher education institution | Baku State University | |
Academic degree | PhD in Mathematics | |
Academic title | Associate Professor | |
Candidate’s (PhD) thesis: - specialty code and name - thesis title | 01.01.01. Mathematical analysis Statistics Regularization of singular integral | |
Doctor of Science thesis: - specialty code and name - thesis title | - - | |
Date of election as Corresponding Member and specialty name | - | |
Date of election as Full Member and specialty name | - | |
Total number of published scientific works: | 125 | |
- foreign publications | 57 | |
- number of papers published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases | 38 | |
- conference reports and abstracts | - | |
Total number of author’s certificates and patents | 5 | |
Personnel training: - number of PhDs - number of Doctors of Science | 6 | |
Main scientific achievements | Development of intelligent systems for diagnostics and monitoring and their introduction into different branches of national economy. In the field of image recognition, the system for recognition of hand-written Arabic texts and translation, the system for recognition and identification of handmade Azerbaijani carpets have been developed; a system for predicting occupational diseases of oil refining industry, surgical treatment in traumatology and orthopedics, mathematical models and intelligent system of diagnostics and monitoring for poisoning by snake venom, carbon monoxide and 15 chemical substances with similar clinical presentation have been developed; the problem of intellectualization of diagnostics of technical condition in oil extraction industry has been solved; the integrated expert decision-making system for oil and gas deposits has been developed, etc. In 2004-2005 won a grant competition in the framework of the project "South Caucasus Health Information Project Canadian Society for International Health", published 3 monographs | |
Titles of main scientific works (max. 5) | 1. О регуляризации по А.Н. Тихонову особого интеграла Коши.// ЖВМ и МФ,№1,1976 2. Диагностирующая экспертная система в области оперативной хирургии.// Моделирование и оценка резервных возмож ностей развивающихся систем, Киев, 1991 3. The intellectual system of identification of Arabic graphics// Visual Information Procеssing, 2001 4. Intelligent system of optimization of choice of sort of operating interference// Medical Imaging -2004 5. Информационные технологии в доказательной медицине. Баку-2005, 288с. [spoiler=Bütün elmi əsərlərin siyahısı] 6. İsbata əsaslanan tibbdə informasiya exnologiyaları. Bakı-2005, 278c. 7. Recognition and identification of Plane Color Images in the Case of Carpet Designs// Automatic Control and Compwter sciences. Allerton Press, Inc/division of Pl.Publ.-2009 8. "Экспертная система”. Евразийский патент № 010086, 2008г 9. Azərbaycanda informatikanın təşəkkülü. Bakı-2010, 171s. 10. Система диагностики функцианального состояния гомеостаза и алгоритмы лечения в токсикологии (на примере укуса гюрзы)// Журнал вычислительной и прикладной математики - Киев, 2011, №3(106) 11. Интеллектуально-информационная система дифференциальной диагностики отравлений токсическими веществами (на примере отравлений угарным газом)// Информационные технологии, № 10(206), Москва, 2013 12. Intelligent Information System of Diagnosis and Monitoring Application in the Emergency Medical Aid for Poisonings by Toxic Substances// Jornal of Healt and Medical Informatiks USA – 2013, № 4[/spoiler] | |
Membership in scientific organizations | 1. since 2003, a member of the International Public Organization “Non-linear World and Women” 2. Member of the Scientific Committee of the International Symposium "Symmetries: Theoretical and Methodological Aspects" in Russia 3. Member of the Scientific Committee of the International School-Conference "Modern Problems of Science and Education" in Ukraine | |
Educational activity | Since 1973, she has been teaching such subjects as mathematical analysis, artificial intelligence, etc. (BSU, AMU). Currently, she is an Associate Professor of the Department of Information Technologies and Systems of the Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction | |
Other activity | Academic Secretary of the Scientific Seminar of the Dissertation Council D 01.121 since 2003 | |
Prizes and awards | 1. "Tereggi” State Medal - 2005 2. Diploma of the World Committee of Intellectual Property | |
Work place and address | Institute of Control Systems AZ1141, Azerbaijan Republic, Baku c., B.Vahabzade str., 68 | |
Position | Head of Laboratory 1.7 Intelligent information processing systems | |
Office phone | (99412) 539 24 84 | |
Mobile phone | 050 344 28 39 | |
Fax | (+994 12) 539-28-26 | |
E-mail | [email protected] | |
Website |
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