Place of birth | Azerbaijan, Guba district, Budug village | ![]() |
Date of birth | March 28, 1956 | |
Higher education institution | Baku State University Mechanical mathematics | |
Academic degree | Doctor of Philosophy in Economics | |
Academic title | - | |
Candidate’s (PhD) thesis: - specialty code and name - thesis title | 08.00.13 (present 08.0054), Mathematical and instrumental methods of economics (present Econometrics), Soft computing in macroeconomic modeling | |
Doctor of Science thesis: - specialty code and name - thesis title | - | |
Date of election as Corresponding Member and specialty name | - | |
Date of election as Full Member and specialty name | - | |
Total number of published scientific works: | 21 scientific publications | |
- foreign publications | 7 scientific publications | |
- national publications | - | |
- conference reports and abstracts | - | |
Total number of author’s certificates and patents | - | |
Personnel training: - number of PhDs - number of Doctors of Science | - | |
Main scientific achievements | 1. Soft computing in the macroeconomic analysis, Second ICSCCW 2003, Antalya, Turkey, September 9-11, 2003, p.254-262, Imanov Q.C., Tagiyev N.F. 2. Müasir iqtisadiyyat, neyron şəbəkələri, fazi məntiq, Monoqrafiya. Bakı: AR MEA «Elm» nəşriyyatı, 2003, 198 s., İmanov Q.C., Tağıyev N.F 3. Macroeconomic fuzzy model of Azerbaijan, International Conference on Fuzzy Sets and Soft Computing in Economics and Finance, FSSCEF 2004, June 17-20, 2004, St. Petersburg: Russia, Volume II, p.332-339, Imanov Q.C., Akbarov R.M 4. Soft computing in forecasting of the budget income, Sixth International Conference on Application of Fuzzy Systems, and Soft Computing, ICAFS-2004, Barselona, Spain: September 28-30, 2004, p.124-129, Imanov Q.C., Hasanov E.T. 5. Нечеткие модели планирования развития предприятий, Материалы восьмого всеро¬ссийского сим¬позиума «Стратегическое плани¬ро¬вание и развитие пред¬приятий»., ЦЭМИ РАН, Москва, 10-11 апреля 2007, стр.100-102, К.Д. Иманов, Р.А.Юсифзаде 6. Нечеткий подход к оценке финансовой устойчивости корпорации, Материалы девятого всеро¬ссийского сим¬позиума «Стратегическое плани¬ро¬вание и развитие пред¬приятий»., ЦЭМИ РАН, Москва, 15-16 апреля 2008, стр.82-84, К.Д. Иманов, Р.А.Юсифзаде | |
Titles of main scientific works (max. 5) | - | |
Membership in scientific organizations | - | |
Educational activity | - | |
Other activity | - | |
Prizes and awards | - | |
Work place and address | The Institute of Control Systems of ANAS, Az 1141, Baku city, Bakhtiyar Vahabzadeh street, 9 | |
Position | Senior researcher | |
Office phone | (+99412) 510 26 90 | |
Mobile phone | - | |
Fax | (+994 12) 539-28-26 | |
E-mail | [email protected] | |
Website |
International Conference on Management and Control in Solving Engineering Problems (MaCoSEP 2025) will be held -
Scientific seminar of the Institute of Control Systems will be held -
A memorial event to mark the 35th anniversary of the Day of Nationwide Mourning January 20 will be held