Place of birth | Baku | |
Date of birth | 07.07.1957 | |
Higher education institution | Azerbaijan Institute of Oil and Chemistry, Applied Mathematics | |
Academic degree | Doctor of Engineering | |
Academic title | Professor | |
Candidate’s (PhD) thesis: - specialty code and name - thesis title | 05.13.07 Automation of technological processes and production Algorithms and software packages correct estimates of the statistical characteristics and mathematical models of static of processes and their implementation in automated control systems | |
Doctor of Science thesis: - specialty code and name - thesis title | 05.13.07 Automation of the technological process and production Algorithms and software for improving statistical characteristics estimates, correlation matrixes stipulation and identification adequacy | |
Date of election as Corresponding Member and specialty name | ||
Date of election as Full Member and specialty name | ||
Total number of published scientific works: | 200 | |
Number of scientific publications printed abroad | 100 | |
Number of papers published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases | 62 | |
Number of patents and certificates of authorship | 2 | |
Staff training: - number of PhD - number of Doctor of sciences | 2 | |
Main scientific achievements | 1. Development of algorithms, technologies and software tools for analyzing noise distributions of noisy processes when classical conditions do or do not hold: 1.1. development of technologies and software for calculating noise distribution parameters of noisy stochastic processes; 1.2. development of algorithms for calculating the density distribution function of the noise of noisy stochastic processes; 1.3. development of algorithms and software for determining errors when calculating the estimates of the distribution law of the useful component of noisy stochastic processes. 2. Development of technologies for identifying the initial period of the origin and extent of faults of the industrial facilities; 3. The robust technology of providing the adequacy of identification of technological processes; 4. A technology for the solution of problems of confluent analysis of noisy technological processes is developed based on the technologies used in calculation of the variance of interference, the degree of robustness of estimators of the auto- and cross-correlation functions, robust correlation matrices, and balance algorithms for the relative errors of their elements. | |
Names of scientific works | 1. Aliev T.A., Musaeva N.F., Rzayeva N.E., Mammadova A.I. Development of technologies for reducing the error of traditional algorithms of correlation analysis of noisy signals. Measurement Techniques, Springer, No 6, 2020. IF: 0.39 (Q3) – Web of Science Core Collection. 2. Алиев Т.А., Мусаева Н.Ф., Рзаева Н.Э., Мамедова А.И. Разработка технологий для уменьше-ния погрешности традиционных алгоритмов корреляционного анализа зашумленных сигналов. Измерительная техника, №6, 2020, с.9-16. Импакт-фактор РИНЦ 0,508 3. Aliev T.A., Musaeva N.F., Rzayeva N.E., Mammadova A.I. Technologies for Forming Equivalent Noises of Noisy Signals and Their Use. Journal of Automation and Information Sciences, No.5, 2020. IF (SJR) - 0.232 – Scopus. 4. Алиев Т.А., Мусаева Н.Ф., Газызаде Б.И. Технологии мониторинга динамики развития повреждений на буровых установках с использованием моментов высоких порядков помехи. Мехатроника, автоматизация, управление, Москва, №4, 2020. Russian Science Citation Index на платформе Web of Science, Импакт-фактор РИНЦ: 353, Scopus (01.01.2020) 5. Aliev T.A., Musaeva N.F. Technologies for early monitoring of technical objects using the estimates of noise distribution density // Journal of Automation and Information Sciences, Vol. , N 5, 2019, pp. 12-23. Scopus SJR:0.232 SNIP:0.464 CiteScore™:0.27 6. Aliev T. A., Musayeva N. F., Sattarova U. E., Rzayeva N. E. Algorithm for forming correlation matrices equivalent to matrices of useful signals of multidimensional stochastic objects // Applied and Computa¬tional Mathematics. An International Journal. Vol. 17, N2, 2018, pp.205-216. ISSN: 1683-3511. Impact Factor : 2.365 (2017)*, 5-year Impact Factor: 1.113. Journal Citation Reports®, Thomson Reuters 7. Aliev T.A., Musaeva N.F., Suleymanova M.T. Algorithms for indicating the beginning of accidents based on the estimate of the density distribution function of the noise of technological parameters // Automatic Control and Com¬puter Sciences. Aller¬ton Press. Inc., New York, No 3, 2018, pp. Web of Science, Thomsonreuters, Scopus 8. Aliev T.A., Musaeva N.F., Gazizade B.I. Algorithms for calculating high-order moments of the noise of noisy signals // Journal of Automation and Information Sciences, Vol. 50, N6, 2018, p.1-13. by Begell House, New-York, Springer, Scopus 9. Aliev T.A., Musaeva N.F., Suleymanova M.T., Gazizade B.I. Density Function of Noise Distribution as an Indicator for Identifying the Degree of Fault Growth in Sucker Rod Pumping Unit (SRPU)// Journal of Automa¬tion and Information Scien¬ces, Vol.49, Issue 4, 2017, p.1-11, by Begell House, New-York, Springer 10. Aliev T.A., Musaeva N.F., Suleymanova M.T., Gazizade B.I. Technology for calculating the parameters of the density function of normal distribution of the useful component in a noisy process // Journal of Automa¬tion and Information Scien¬ces, Vol.48, No2, 2016, p.35-55, by Begell House, New-York, Springer 11. Aliev T.A., Musaeva N.F., Suleymanova M.T., Gazizade B.I. Analytic representation of the density function of normal distribution of noise // Journal of Automation and Information Scien¬ces, 47(8), 2015, by Begell House, New-York, Springer, p.24-40 | |
Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations | 2002 - Member of the Dissertation Council at the Institute of Control Systems conferring academic degrees of Doctor of Science and PhD in the following specialties: Computer sciences; System analysis, control and information processing; present - academic secretary 2019 - present, Azerbaijan Republic Council On Coordination Scientific Research, Member of the Scientific Council on «Computer Sciences». 2018 - present, Member of the Editorial Board of journal «Informatics and Control Problems», Azerbaijan, Baku. | |
Pedagogical activity | Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction, “Information technologies and systems” department, professor | |
Other activity | 2002 - present, Member of the Science Council at the Institute of Control Systems; 2017 - Member of the Educational-methodical board at the Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction. | |
Prizes and awards | ||
Work place and address | Institute of Control Systems | |
Position | Head of the laboratory | |
Office phone | (012)5394384 | |
Mobile phone | (+994 50) 3456414, (+994 55) 5301042 | |
Fax | (+994 12) 539-28-26 | |
E-mail | [email protected] | |
Website | |
International Conference on Management and Control in Solving Engineering Problems (MaCoSEP 2025) will be held -
Scientific seminar of the Institute of Control Systems will be held -
A memorial event to mark the 35th anniversary of the Day of Nationwide Mourning January 20 will be held -
Regular meeting of the Science Council will be held