The defense of a dissertation took place
20.10.2021 /The defense of the dissertation "Numerical solution of the problems of optimizing the locations of control and control points in feedback control systems" by Vugar Adam oglu Gashimov for the degree of PhD in Mathematics in the specialty 1203.01 - Computer Science was held at a scientific seminar of ED 1.19 Dissertation Council of the Institute of Control Systems (ICS) of ANAS on 20 October 2021.
By the resolution of the Council, the dissertation received a positive assessment.
It should be noted that the defense was held online in line with the "Requirements" for the organization and conduct of discussions at scientific seminars operating under dissertation councils in the special quarantine regime approved by the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated 29 January 2021.