At the one-off Dissertation Council, a dissertation work for earning the scientific degree of doctor of sciences in mathematics was defended
15.11.2017 / Conferences, assembliesJanuary 15, 2016 at the one-off Dissertation Council B / D 01.111 of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of ANAS the leading researcher of Institute of Control Systems of ANAS Ilgar Gurbat oglu Mamеdov defended his dissertation work for earning the scientific degree of doctor of sciences in mathematics in the theme «Solving the multidimensional local and nonlocal boundary value problems for hyperbolic equations of higher order with nonsmooth coefficients and their application to optimal control problems» in specialties 1211.01-«Differential Equations» and 1214.01-«Dynamical systems and optimal control».
The main scientific results are published in 70 works. The dissertation work has received positive feedback.