8 projects at "Budapest Proposers Day 2011"

Info-Day and Conference (Budapest Proposers-Day 2011) devoted to ICT tenders for 2011-2012 were held on 19-20 May, 2011, in Budapest (Hungary) within the framework of the EU 7th Framework Programme. At the conference, the Cybernetics Institute, representing Azerbaijan, submitted information on 8 projects, including 1 project of the Physics Institute of ANAS and 7 project proposals of the Cybernetics Institute. Among the submitted projects, ‘Development of mobile software and hardware complex for processing of rheosignals of the cardiovascular system with application of robust technology and theory of noise monitoring’ project caused great interest of the participants. Proposals on establishment of the project consortium have been received from scientific research institutions of Spain (IMAXDI.COM), Poland (SILVERMEDIA) and England (Intelligent Systems Research Laboratory University of Reading, Whiteknights).