4 project proposals have been presented by the Cybernetics Institute at the conference in Tbilisi

‘The way forward for the Information Society in the Eastern Europe and South Caucasus countries: Priorities and Challenges’ scientific conference was held on 16-18 June, 2011, in Tbilisi. The conference was organized by EXTEND project (www.EXTEND-ict.eu) of the EU-financed 7th Framework Programme (FP7). The aim of the conference was to develop and prepare the strategy and work plan for implementation of the ICT Research & Development programme in the region for establishment of information society and wider integration of the region with European initiatives. Scientists from Azerbaijan participated in the conference on the initiative of the Cybernetics Institute: Professor A. Bayramov (Physics Institute of ANAS) and representatives of the Cybernetics Institute A. Pashayev, E. Sabziyev and T. Babayev. Azerbaijani scientists presented 4 project proposals compliant with the EU ICT projects at the conference and took part in discussions.