Scientific relations with Islamic Republic of Iran

Representatives of the Cybernetics Institute A. Pashayev and T. Babayev visited Tabriz University and RIAAM (Research Institute For Astronomy&Astrophysics of Maragha) on 24-28 July 2011 to establish scientific relations. Meetings with Director of RIAAM, head of Astrophysics department of Tabriz University Professor Ali Ajabshirizade and other employees of RIAAM (Maragha) were conducted. At those meetings, Iranian scientists were informed on the structure of the Institute, scientific research activity and the coming PCI conference. Scientific research activity of the Institute, particularly the project on application of noise monitoring technology and earthquake forecasting caused great interest of the Iranian colleagues. There was an exchange of opinion on scientific cooperation between the Cybernetics Institute and RIAAM. A work draft of the agreement between the Cybernetics Institute and RIAAM was presented to Director of RIAAM Ali Ajabshirizade. Professor A. Ajabshirizade gave detailed information about the activity of RIAAM and noted that the Institute ranked 3rd in Iran in the quantity of articles published in foreign scientific journals. He also told about scientific tenders of RIAAM and invited Azerbaijani scientists (the Cybernetics Institute) to participate in those tenders.
An agreement was reached on mutual dissemination of information on science conference with participation of both institutes. Iranian colleagues expressed their wish to take part in PCI-2012. As a result of discussions, as an example of specific scientific cooperation, Adalat Pashayev and the researchers of RIAAM Dr. H. Tabatabasarani and postgraduate student M. Muzaffari proposed a method of calculation of accuracy of ancient instruments used at Maragha Observatory for astronomic researh, and the initial agreement to continue that research was made.