Conference on the initiative of YAP

Today, a round table meeting was held on the initiative of YAP devoted to preparation of ICT section of "Azerbaijan 2020: Look into the Future” Development Concept.
In the course of the event, Minister of Communication and Information Technology Ali Abbasov gave detailed information on ICT development in our country and on future project in the field. A. Abbasov said that ICT had significant influence on rapid development of economy.
Head of the Azerbaijan Technical University Khavar Mammadov, director of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS Rasim Aliguliyev, member of Milli Mejlis Asef Hajiyev, director of the Cybernetics Institute of ANAS Telman Aliev and member of YAP Managing Party Professor Shakhlar Askerov also shared their thoughts concerning ICT development in our country.