Scientists of the Institute of Information Technologies were included in the rating list of Stanford University for 2023 for their scientific achievements in the field of artificial intelligence

The staff of the Institute of Control Systems congratulates the General Director of the Institute of Information Technologies of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Academician Rasim Aliguliyev and Head of the Department, Corresponding Member of ANAS Ramiz Aliguliyev on their scientific achievements, and wishes them new success in their future activities.
World scientific centers highly appreciate the research in the field of artificial intelligence, natural language processing, cyber-physical systems, cyber security, deep learning, big data analytics, formation of intelligent e-state, Internet of Things, cloud technologies and other areas conducted at the Institute of Information Technology over the past 20 years. Thus, starting from 2020, for the fourth year in a row, General Director of the Institute of Information Technologies, Academician Rasim Aliguliyev and Head of Department, Corresponding Member of ANAS Ramiz Aliguliyev are selected for the ranking of the world's most influential scientists in the field of artificial intelligence compiled by Stanford University in the United States.
Starting from 2019, Stanford University annually compiles a ranking of the world's most influential scientists in various fields of science based on data from the Scopus database. This ranking list is based on a composite indicator that includes many scientometric criteria, such as the number of articles and citations, the Hirsch index of scientists, and others. According to this composite indicator, a ranking list of scientists in each branch of science is compiled, and then the scientists in the first 2% of this list are selected.
Academician Rasim Aliguliyev and Corresponding Member of ANAS Ramiz Aliguliyev represented Azerbaijan in the field of artificial intelligence in this rating list in 2020-2022. It is gratifying that these scientists were also selected for the rating of the world's most influential scientists in the field of artificial intelligence in 2023. It should be especially noted that this year Academician Rasim Aliguliyev and Corresponding Member of ANAS Ramiz Aliguliyev were selected from among 356955 scientists of the world conducting research on artificial intelligence, whose articles were indexed in the Scopus database. Another interesting fact is that in all these years, only the names of Azerbaijani scientists have been included in the Stanford University rating list on artificial intelligence from the South Caucasus countries.
It should be noted that this rating list for various areas of science from our country includes the names of 2 scientists in 2020, 8 in 2021, 14 in 2022 and 13 in 2023.