Corresponding Member of ANAS Gorkhmaz Imanov participated in an international conference

The International Conference of the Royal Spanish Academy of Economics and Finance (RACEF) on "The Voice of Economic Science in the Face of the Limitations to Life on the Planet" was held in Barcelona, Spain, on November 14-20, 2023. At the seminar, Corresponding Member of ANAS Prof. Gorkhmaz Imanov, Head of the Laboratory of Fuzzy Models of Economics of the Institute of Control Systems of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, presented his paper on "The level of assessment of social results of economic development of countries".
The paper proposed intuitionistic fuzzy models of social sustainability and social quality to assess social development of countries, problems relevant to these models were solved on the example of Azerbaijan. The proposed models were implemented in social development assessment for the first time. This approach is important in determining the social results of economic development of countries. The indices of social sustainability and social quality make it possible to analyze the functioning of the socio-economic system more broadly. Using the tools of intuitionistic fuzzy logic theory, taking into account the uncertainty of indicators of the social system, more objective results describing the level of social progress in the country were obtained.
It should be noted that the conference hosted meetings and exchange of opinions with scientists from Spain, Italy, Moldova, Algeria, Luxembourg, Serbia, Greece, Mexico and other countries.