Place of birth | Azerbaijan, Baku | ![]() |
Date of birth | 11.05.1968 | |
Higher education institution | Higher, Azerbaijan State Oil Academy | |
Academic degree | Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) on Engineering | |
Academic title | - | |
Candidate’s (PhD) thesis: - specialty code and name - thesis title | 3334.01- Offshore oil and gas production units Development of control and security methods of operational reliability of compressor units | |
Doctor of Science thesis: - specialty code and name - thesis title | - | |
Date of election as Corresponding Member and specialty name | - | |
Date of election as Full Member and specialty name | - | |
Total number of published scientific works: | 20 | |
- foreign publications | 4 | |
- national publications | - | |
- conference reports and abstracts | - | |
Total number of author’s certificates and patents | - | |
Personnel training: - number of PhDs - number of Doctors of Science | - | |
Main scientific achievements | In the work the following problems were stated and solved: • In order to estimate the reliability of TGC, the models based on probability-physical approach consisting of the use of analysis of both distribution laws and failure mechanisms were suggested; • A method for estimating boundary levels of controlled reliability indices (mean time to failure and mean fraction of refused items) under acceptance tests of TGC was developed; • Analytic expressions for estimating confidence intervals for no-failure operation time and for probability of no-failure operation in the period of approval tests were obtained; • A problem on determination of serviceability of units to operation with regard to wear and fatigue failure processes, and also statistical data (if they exist) on failure of components of TGC in tests and in operation process, was solved; • An algorithm, applied program, practical dependences for determining the mean working time to overhaul of compressor unit were developed; • On the basis of application of properties of semi-markov processes of a random walk, a method for determining the residual resource of TGC was worked out, and practical dependences on calculation its mathematical expectation and variance were obtained; • Operation efficiency estimation with ensuring necessary reliability level of TGC admitting to control it throughout all life cycle of the compressor station, was obtained. | |
Titles of main scientific works (max. 5) | 1. Распределение времени до первого пересечения уровня нуль процессом полумарковского блуждания// Изв. НАНА, сер. физ. техн. и мат. наук, 2007, №2-3, т.ХХVII, с.97-100. 2. Прогнозирование ресурса основных рабочих элементов газотурбинных двигателей компрессорных станций // Известия НАНА, сер. физ.техн. и мат. наук, 2008, №3, т.ХХVIII, с.126-129. 3. Определение числовых характеристик мо-мента первого капитального ремонта компрес-сорного устройства// Автоматика и вычисли-тельная техника, Рига, 2011, №3, с.45-55. 4. Статистический анализ надежности работы газокомпрессорных станций // Теоретическая и прикладная механика, Межвузовский научно-техн. журнал, Баку, 2013, т. VIII, №2(30), стр. 93-97. 5. Оценка вероятности безотказной работы компрессоров с применением диффузионного немонотонного распределения// Автоматизация, телемеханизация и связь в нефтяной промышленности, М., 2014. №3,стр.29-36 7. Определение среднего времени и дисперсии момента первого капитального ремонта компрессорного устройства// AMEA-nın xəbərləri, Fizika-texnika və riyaziyyat elmləri seriyası, İnformatika və idarəetmə problemləri, cıld XXXVII, N6,”Elm”nəşriyyatı, Bakı 2017, s.100-108. 8. Neftin nəqlində nanotexnologiyalar// AMEA-nın xəbərləri, Fizika-texnika və riyaziyyat elmləri seriyası, İnformatika və idarəetmə problemləri, cıld XXXVIII, N6,”Elm”nəşriyyatı, Bakı 2018, s.91-95. 9. Pistonlu kompressorların effektivliyin artırılmasında nanoyağların rolu// Azərbacan Texniki Universiteti, Elmi əsərlər, Texnika elmləri, №2, Bakı 2019, s.117-120. | |
Membership in scientific organizations | - | |
Educational activity | - | |
Other activity | Project name: "Development and application of nanostructured systems in order to prevent complications in drilling and production and increase the oil recovery coefficient of layers" Project duration: 01.01.2018-01.01.2019 Status: Republic Project / grant financing fund (name of organization) - State Oil Company of the Republic of Azerbaijan “Science Fund” Participation in the project: Executive | |
Prizes and awards | - | |
Work place and address | Institute of Control Systems Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences АZ 1141 г. Baku, st. B. Vagabzade, 9 | |
Position | Senior researcher | |
Office phone | (99412) 539 38 07 | |
Mobile phone | (+994 70) 739 97 21 | |
Fax | - | |
E-mail | [email protected] | |
Website |
International Conference on Management and Control in Solving Engineering Problems (MaCoSEP 2025) will be held -
Scientific seminar of the Institute of Control Systems will be held