The scientists of the Institute have won numerous foreign grants, including:
- In 2021, academician Ali Abbasov was awarded a grant for his work "Artificial intelligence, natural language processing systems, NLP systems for the Azerbaijani language. (17.07.2021-17.07.2022)
- In 2020, Corresponding Member of ANAS Prof. Aminaga Sadigov, DSc (Eng), was awarded a grant for his work "Computer modeling of artificial intelligence systems, control of complex dynamic objects and processes". (08.2020-12.2022)
- In 2020, Assoc. Prof. Yasin Rustamov, DSc (Eng), was awarded a grant for his work "Construction of mathematical models expressing changes in ecological soil fertility and their application to rangelands of the Ajinohur plain". (06.2020-06.2021)
- In 2019, Assoc. Prof. Gambar Guluyev, Doctor of Engineering, was awarded a grant for the work “Creating an intelligent measurement, diagnostic and control system without a force transducer”. (10.09.2019-09.09.0921)
- In 2019, Khanmurad Abdullayev, PhD in Engineering, was awarded a grant for the work "Creating online estimation technologies, algorithms and software complex". (10.09.2019-09.09.0921)
- In 2019, Prof. Eldar Shakhbazov, Doctor of Engineering, was awarded a grant for the work “Development and application of nanotechnology based on the effect of small impact and disturbance to increase the profitability of drilling and production in fields that are in long-term operation”. (10.09.2019-09.09.2020)
- In 2019, Assoc. Prof. Elkhan Sabziev. PhD in Mathematics, was awarded a grant for the work "Creating mathematical models and software for the optimal use of resources in the fields." (10.09.2019-10.09.2021)
- In 2019, Huseynova Shalakh (Institute of Oil and Gas) with collective Institute of Control Systems (A. Pashayev, E.Sabziyev, T. Alizadeh) was awarded a grant for the work “Creating an intelligent “Soft Computing” system to estimate hydrocarbon reserves in Azerbaijan”. (09.10/2019-10.03.2020)
- In 2018, Prof. E.N. Shakhbazov, Doctor of Engineering, was awarded a grant for his work "Development and application of nanostructured systems for preventing complications in drilling and extraction and increasing the oil recovery factor". (01.01.2018 - 01.01.2019)
- In 2018, Prof. A.Z. Melikov, Doctor of Engineering, was awarded a grant for "Development of the intelligent control system for a group of dynamic objects under limited information conditions". (01.01.2018-30.12.2020)
- In 2017, Shahnaz Hasanova and Ulfet Safarova received grants for "Development of a package of innovative measures and agro-ecological development model for the development of the agricultural sector in the north-western region of Azerbaijan" (01.04.2017 - 01.04.2019).
- In 2017, Assoc.Prof. R.A. Karayev, PhD in Engineering, was awarded a grant for "Cognitive tools for strategic analysis of the state budget of Azerbaijan in the context of modern global challenges, including the world oil prices" (01.05.2017-01.05.2018)
- In 2017, Y. Rustamov, PhD in Mathematics, was awarded the grant for "The use of new universal probabilistic models and methods for irrigation systems and their use in optimization of meliorative processes in Azerbaijan". (01.05.2017-01.05.2018)
- In 2017, K.R. Aydazade was awarded a grant for "Creating an integrated electronic system for the development of the vocabulary of the Azerbaijani language, the public monitoring of its compliance with the language norms and the preparation of the language data corpus". (01.06.2017 - 31.05.2018)
- In 2017, F.H. Pashayev received a grant for "Developing the technology and algorithms of acoustic diagnostics of failures of oil producing facilities".
- In 2017, A.B. Pashayev was awarded a grant for "Developing a software complex for the design and computer modeling of jet devices for removing sand plugs from oil wells.
- In 2015, the work of Y.I. Rustamov (PhD in Engineering) " İrriqasiya sistemləri üçün yeni universal ehtimal - statistik model və metodların yaradılması və Azərbaycan torpaqlarında meliorativ proseslərin optimallaşdırılmasında istifadəsi” received a grant of the Science Fund. (2015 -2017)
- In 2012, the work of A.B. Pashayev (PhD in Physics and Mathematics) in collaboration with the Science & Technology Center in Ukraine (2012-2014) "Development of the technology for determination of coordinates of anomalous seismic processes” received an EU grant.
- In 2012, the work of F.H. Pashayev (PhD in Engineering) "Development of a network for robust noise monitoring of anomalous seismic processes, using suspended oil wells in the South Caucasus and Caspian basin as seismic-acoustic channels” received a grant of the Science Fund of the State Oil Company of the Azerbaijan Republic. (2012 -2014)
- In 2012, the work of A.H. Rzayev (PhD in Engineering) "Development of the new generation control, diagnostics and management systems based on robust noise analysis of wattmeter cards of oil wells operated by sucker rod pumps” received a grant of the Science Fund of the State Oil Company of the Azerbaijan Republic. (2012 -2014)
- In 2012, the work of A.B. Pashayev (PhD in Physics and Mathematics) "Development of the forecasting system for oil pollution of soil” received a grant of the Science Fund of the State Oil Company of the Azerbaijan Republic. (2012 -2014)
- In 2012, the work of A.B. Pashayev, E.N. Sabziyev, A.B. Sadikhov "Development of the system for forecasting soil pollution with oil” received a grant of the Science Fund of the State Oil Company of the Azerbaijan Republic. (2012 -2013)
- Modeling of the impact of the financial, economic and ecological balance of the exploitation of natural resources, 2011-2012 (1 year), The Science Development Foundation, Project Leader: doctor of economical sciences Y. Hasanli
- Designing the mobile hardware-software complex for rheosignal processing of cardiovascular system using the robust technology and noise monitoring theory , 2011-2012 (1 year), The Science Development Foundation, Project Leader: Cand.Sci. (Engineering) Tahir Alizade
- Project № EIF-2010-1(1)-40/12-1 Development of an Azerbaijani speech and text recognition and comprehension intelligent system, which provides human-computer object-oriented dialogue (March 2011 - March 2012 (1 year)), The Science Development Foundation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Baku, Azerbaijan. Project Leader: Prof. Aida-zade K.R.
- Project № EIF-2010-1(1)-40/11-1 Development and application of numerical methods and software for problems of mathematical modeling and optimization of complicated systems (March 2011 - March 2012 (1 year)), The Science Development Foundation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Baku, Azerbaijan. Project Leader: Assoc. Prof. Abdullayev V.M.
- Project № EIF-2010-1(1)-40/13-1 Software-device solution for recognition and synthesis of Azerbaijani printed and handwritten text (March 2011 - March 2012 (1 year)), The Science Development Foundation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Baku, Azerbaijan. Project Leader: Cand.Sci. (Engineering) Mustafayev E.E.
- In 2008 (01.03.2008-28.02.2010) the project "A New Theoretical Framework for Signal/Noise Separation" was supported by the 2007 Azerbaijan-U.S. Bilateral Grants Program (BGP-II) of Azerbaijan National Science Foundation (ANSF), the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS), and the U.S. Civilian Research & Development Foundation (CRDF). Grant award№AZM1-3108-BA-08, principal investigator Cand.Sci (Engineering) TahirAlizada
- Grant of the Abdus Salam International Scientific Center of Theoretical Physics for II International Conference "Cybernetics and Informatics Problems”, 2008
- "State and Development Prospective of the National Innovation System in Azerbaijan” research paper, Assoc.Prof. A.B. Sadigov, Cand.Sci. (Phys.-Math.), Grant of INTAS Cooperation Program for the South Caucasus, 2007;
- Project INTAS № 06-1000017-8909 Development of a unified approach and software for numerically solving inverse and optimization problems for distributed systems, (January 2007 - June 2008 (1.5 year)), INTAS (The International Association formed by the European Com¬munity, for the Promotion of Co-operation with Scientists from the New Independent States of the Former Soviet Union), INTAS, Brussels. Project Leader: Prof. Aida-zade K.R.
- Project CRDF&ANSF № BPP-6 Development of mathematical supplying and software for solving the identification and optimal control problems in problems of hydrodynamics, (January 2006 - January 2007 (1 year)), The U.S. Civilian Research & Development Foundation (CRDF) and The Azerbaijan National Science Foundation (ANSF), CRDF, Virginia, Usa and ANSF, Baku, Azerbaijan. Project Leader: Assoc. Prof. Abdullayev V.M.
- Project of Corresponding Member of the ANAs Prof. A.G. Gadjiyev, Dr.Sci (Phys.-Math.), "Optimal Positioning of Letters of Azerbaijani Alphabet on the Computer Keyboard”, Grant of the National Science Foundation and the Civilian Research and Development Foundation within the framework of Business Cooperation program, 2006
- Project CRDF&ANSF № BPP-3 Creation of computer-based automated recognition system of Azerbaijani printed and hand-printed texts, (January 2006 - January 2007 (1 year)), The U.S. Civilian Research & Development Foundation (CRDF) and The Azerbaijan National Science Foundation (ANSF), CRDF, Virginia, Usa and ANSF, Baku, Azerbaijan. Project Leader: Prof. Aida-zade K.R.
- Corresponding Member of ANAS Prof. A.G. Gadjiyev, Dr.Sci. (Phys.-Math.), grant being appointed Senior Associated (for 6 years) at the Abdus Salam International Scientific Center of Theoretical Physics, 2005.
- "Information Technology in Evidence-Based Medicine” by Abdullayev G.G. and Kurbanova N.G. was published in 2005 (ordered by the Canadian Society for International Health, sponsored by Canadian International Development Agency, supported by the grant of the Information project for Health in the South Caucasus (CSIH))
- Musayeva N.F., project submitted to the National Scientific Foundation and the US Civilian Research and Development Foundation (Cooperative Grants Program 2004), cooperative US-Azerbaijan grant.
- Karayev R.A. "Fuzzy Cognitive Maps for Generation and Analysis of Managerial Decisions”. Diploma of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Economy Department) and Grant of Academician N.P. Fedorenko International Scientific Foundation of Economic Researches. 2003.
- O.V. Ibrahimov, Cand.Sci. (Phys.-Math.), TEMPUS grant in "Artificial Intelligence Theory” programme for his work "Development of workbench and technology of expert systems”, 2003
- Karayev R.A. «Control of Ecotoxicological Waste Discharge to the Caspian Sea». Grant of NATO "Science for Peace”–2000 Science Programme. Project SfP – 1170. 2000.
- Coros Foundation grant, Dr.Sci. (Phys.-Math.). E.N.Makhmudov, Cand.Sci. (Phys.-Math.) V.Y.Jafarov, Cand.Sci. (Phys.-Math.)A.B.Pashayev, 1993
- Karayev R.A. «Tool set for development and maintenance of intelligent CAD systems». Competitive Project N 720. Grant of the USSR State Committee on Science and Technology and the USSR Academy of Sciences Scientific Council for the problems of Artificial Intelligence. 1990.
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Scientific seminar of the Institute of Control Systems will be held