In 2022, the Institute of Control Systems of ANAS applied 7 scientific research works.
1. An industrial control system based on SCADA model and the Internet of Things (IoT) was developed and initially introduced in the wells of the Bibi-Heybat field of Azneft PA. (Asif Rzayev, Gambar Guluyev)
2. A system for building ICT components based on the "smart village" platform was developed and introduced in the village of Agaly, Zangilan District, for the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Azerbaijan. (Elchin Aliyev, Islam Ahmedov)
3. In 2022, an improved application software package (ASP) "Form Recognition System" was introduced on the final assessment exam for graduates of 9th and 11th grades of comprehensive schools, conducted by the State Examination Center. (Elshan Mustafayev, Sona Rzayeva)
4. Algorithms and software were developed for the Central Bank of AR to integrate with the "Electronic Invoice" system of the State Tax Service Instant Payment System (IPS) and create the possibility of accumulating funds in the IPS accounts. (Ayten Rahmanova)
5. E-learning software was developed and introduced at the National Academy of Aviation. (Abulfat Rakhmanov)
6. Works on system analysis of the Jeyranbatan reservoir as an ecosystem and biosystem of Apsheron peninsula, comparative analysis of data for the years 17-19, analysis of dependence of water quality on chemical elements content, development of a single point decision-making system were carried out. (Gulchin Abdullayeva, Sayyara Hidayatzade and T.A. Shamchiyev (Jeyranbatan Reservoir Department, Ministry of Emergency Situations))
7. A database was created for the Ambulance and Emergency Medical Aid Station of Baku city with the purpose of developing an intelligent information system for electronization of the work of ambulance and emergency medical aid. (Gulchin Abdullayeva)