In 2019, the Institute of Control Systems of ANAS implemented 7 scientific research works.
1. Implementation of a smooth control system for beam pumping units (SCS FCS) at new wells (2017-2019)
Algorithms and software were developed for this work in 2017. Designer supervision over the assembly, setting up and installation of the SCS FCS on wells has been carried out.
(Rzayev A.H., Guluyev G.A.)
2. Development of reference and current databases of physical, chemical, microbiological and organoleptic parameters of water in the Jeyranbatan reservoir
Databases of reference and current data of physical, chemical, microbiological and organoleptic parameters of water in the Jeyranbatan reservoir have been developed and handed to the test laboratories of the Jeyranbatan reservoir
(Abdullayeva G.G., Hidayatzade S.K. (Institute of Control Systems)
3. Implementation of SERP software at BTB Bank
Algorithms and software have been developed, the system has been created and handed to BTB Bank
(Andryushenko S.I., Institute of Control Systems)
4. Improvement of the hardware and software platforms of the Electronic Archive System and digitizing archive documents
The work has been carried out to improve the software and hardware platform of the Electronic Archive System and digitize archive documents and implemented in the National Archive Department.
Parvana Asadova (Institute of Control Systems), Natig Eminov (National Archive Department)
5. "A software module for sliding reflected encryption of voice data transmitted in the military defense system"
Algorithms and software have been developed, a system has been created and implemented at the Ministry of Defense.
(Elkhan Sabziev - Institute of Control Systems, Arif Hasanov (MD)
6. Improvement of the “Form recognition system” software package
New functions have been added to the system to improve the “Form recognition system” software package and implemented at the State Examination Center.
(S. Talibov, E. Mustafayev, S. Rzayev (Institute of Control Systems), M. Abbaszade (Ministry of Internal Affairs)
7. Prognosis of fungal skin diseases
Studies have been conducted for the epidemiology and prognosis of fungal skin diseases in Azerbaijan, the results of examinations and laboratory tests have been studied by mathematical modeling method, relevant prognoses have been made, and it became possible to prognosticate the occurrence of fungal skin diseases in advance. The work has been implemented at Polyclinic No 25 in Binagadi district.
(G.G. Abdullayeva, A. Mirzayev)
* Applied scientific research works 2019
* Applied scientific research works 2018
* Applied scientific research works 2017
* Applied scientific research works 2016
* Applied scientific research works 2015
* Applied scientific research works 2014
* Applied scientific research works 2013
* Applied scientific research works 2012
* Applied scientific research works 2011
* Applied scientific research works 2010