In 2016, the Institute of Control Systems of ANAS applied 8 scientific research works according to the plan:
1. Development of algorithms for determining the percentage of the pump filling based on the dynamometer card of the plunger of the sucker rod pumping unit (SRPU) and software implementation, 2015-2016. Development of algorithms and programs. Software implementation. Bibi-Heybat oilfield of Azneft PA. Rzayev A.G., Guluyev G.А. Cooperation agreement.
2. Development of algorithms of wattmeter card analysis based on noise technologies and software implementation, 2015-2016. Development of algorithms and programs. Software implementation. Bibi-Heybat oilfield of Azneft PA. Rzayev A.G., Guluyev G.А. Cooperation agreement.
3. Development of algorithms for identifying the technical condition of SRPU based on the normalized correlation analysis of load signal on the sucker rod hanger and software implementation, 2015-2016. Development of algorithms and programs. Software implementation. Bibi-Heybat oilfield of Azneft PA. Rzayev A.G., Guluyev G.А. Cooperation agreement.
4. Development and implementation of new modules of Finance and Accounting Systems ("Student", "Budget", "Treasury") for budget organizations. 2016, Software development. Budget organizations. Sh. Mansimov (ICS), E. Sharifov (Ministry of Finance). Cooperation agreement
5. Implementation of the new version of the Electronic Document Management System. 2016, Software development. The Central Bank of the Azerbaijan Republic (CBAR). P. Asadova (ICS), Farid Osmanov (CBAR). Cooperation agreement.
6. Transfer of the Government Payment Portal to the new platform (Phase 1). 2016. Software development. The Central Bank of the Azerbaijan Republic (CBAR). Ayten Rakhmanova (ICS), Vahid Gurbanov (CBAR). Cooperation agreement.
7. "Development of theoretical research methods for the determination and management of the optimal regime of water-salt exchange in the soil-ground system in arid zones". 2016. Development of algorithms and programs, software implementation. "Hydromeliorative Systems Operation" Laboratory of the Hydraulic Engineering and Amelioration SPA of the Azerbaijan Melioration and Water Management JSC. Hasanov A.B. (ICS), Cooperation agreement.
8. Development of the intelligent information system "Monitoring of the period after carbon dioxide poisoning". 2015-2016. Investigating monitoring-related issues based on the processing of case records, post-treatment epicrisis results; creating the architecture of the intelligent information system (building databases, selection and justification of mathematical statistics method and algorithms, etc.) Toxicology Department of No 1 Baku Clinical Hospital. G.G. Abdullayeva. Cooperation agreement.