Place of Birth | Siazan city, Azerbaijan Republic | |
Date of Birth | 01 January, 1957 | |
Education | Baku State University, Mathematician | |
Scientific degree | Doctor of Technical Sciences | |
Title | Professor | |
Topic of PhD thesis: - speciality code - speciality name - topic name | 05.13.06 System for automatic control and information processing Situational control of service processes of consumers on oil stations | |
Topic of doctoral thesis: - speciality code - speciality name - topic name | 05.13.11 Mathematic and software tools in computer machine, system and networks Methods and models to analysis and optimization of service processes in multi-flow queuing systems | |
Election of corresponding member of ANAS: - date - speciality name | 2001 Informatics | |
Election of active member of ANAS: - date - specialty name | - | |
Total number of scientific publications | - 220 | |
Number of scientific publications printed abroad | - 200 | |
Number of papers published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases | - 120 | |
Certificates of authorship and number of patents | - 1 | |
Staff training: - number of PhD - number of Doctors | - 10 - 1 | |
Main scientific achievements: | Methods to optimization of multi-flow queuing systems with controllable priorities are developed; Approximate method to calculate the stationary distribution of one class of two-dimensional Markov chain is developed; Methods to analysis and optimization of next generation networks are developed. | |
Names of scientific works: | 1. Математические модели многопотоковых систем обслуживания. Киев: Техника. 1991. 254 s. 2. Телетрафик: Модели, методы, оптимизация. Киев: Политехника, 2007. 256 s. 3. Управление мультисервисными сетями связи с буферными накопителями. Киев: НАУ-друк. 2008. 156 s. 4. Performance analysis and optimization of multi-traffic on communication networks. London: Springer. 2010. 208 s. 5. Multi-dimensional queueing models in telecommunication networks. London. Springer. 2014. 210 s. | |
Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations: | - | |
Pedagogical activities | National Aviation Academy, Azerbaijan | |
Other activities: | Head of Department, Institute of Control Systems | |
Awarding and prizes | - | |
Place of work and its address | National Aviation Academy, 68 B. Vahabzade Baku AZ1141 | |
Position | Head of Information Technology Department | |
Office phone | (+994 12) 4972600 (extra 30-68) | |
Mobil | (+994 70) 3989798 | |
Fax | (+994 12) 5392826 | |
[email protected] ; [email protected] | ||
Web-site |
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