The discussion of a dissertation will be held
16 November 2021Dear seminar participants,
The discussion of the dissertation "Study and development of methods for solving mixed-integer programming problems with interval coefficients" submitted by Nigar Shukurova for the degree of PhD in Mathematics, specialty 1203.01 - Computer Science, will be held at 12 p.m. on November 16, 2021.
The discussion will take place at the ICS of ANAS in line with the requirements for organizing and conducting discussions at scientific seminars of dissertation councils in the special quarantine regime:
In case of an in-person discussion, the age of the participants in the scientific seminar and other persons should not exceed 65 years, and the rules of the special quarantine regime must be strictly observed. During the discussion, the applicant and each participant in the scientific seminar should be provided with a computer with a webcam, and the cameras must not be turned off until the end of the discussion.
In order to ensure the required number of participants in the scientific seminar for the meeting to be considered valid, a link for remote connection to the meeting has been sent to you and posted on the ICS website.
You can join the meeting at the following link:
Subject: N.O. Şükürovanın dissertasiyasının müzakirəsi
Time: November 16, 2021 12 p.m. Baku
Join Zoom meeting
Meeting ID: 826 6575 2655
Password: 549758
Joint scientific seminar on “Environmental Strategies for Water Resources Conservation” will be held -