Participation of ICS employees in ICT Proposers' Day 2017 within the framework of Horizon 2020

Tofig Babayev, Head of Foreign Relations and Innovations Department at the Institute of Control Systems of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, EU4Digital: eTrade Network expert, ICT&FET NCP HORIZON2020 and HDM contact person in Azerbaijan and Elkhan Sabziyev, leading research officer of ICS took part in ICT Proposers’ Day 2017 with a special focus on the Horizon 2020 Work Programme for 2018-20, took place in Budapest, Hungary on 8-10 November 2017. Also T.Babayev participated in the meeting of Idealist2018 project devoted to the organizational matters for ICT Proposers’ Day on 8 November. On 9-10 November, T. Babayev and Elkhan Sabziyev, leading research officer of ICS, participated in the networking and information sessions of the ICT Proposers’ Day 2017 and in the Face2Face Brokerage event, presenting project ideas of Azerbaijani researchers, including employees of the Institute of Control Systems, and discussing possible collaboration with foreign researchers.