Regular meeting of the Dissertation Council took place
28.09.2018 /The defense of the thesises "CONSTRUCTION OF INTELLECTUAL INTEGRATION SYSTEMS PROVIDING INFORMATION SECURITY IN THE OPEN CORPORATE NETWORK ENVIRONMENT” by Vasif Gasanov under the supervision of Doctor of engineering, Professor, R. R. Rzayev for the academic degree of Phd in Engeeniring, specialty 3338.01- "System analysis, control and information processing” and “OPTIMALITY CONDITIONS FOR THE ONE CLASS OF DISCRETE OPTIMAL CONTROL PROBLEMS” by Esmira Garayeva under the supervision Doctor of mathematics, Professor, K.B. Mansimov for the academic degree of Phd in Engeeniring, specialty 1203.01 - "Computer sciences ”, took place at the Institute of Control Systems of ANAS on 28 September 2018.