A meeting of the Scientific Seminar of the Dissertation Council of the Institute of Control Systems (ICS) was held
23.02.2021 /A meeting of ED 1.19 Dissertation Council of the Institute of Control Systems (ICS) took place on 23 February 2021. The thesis "Development and application of numerical methods for solving boundary value problems and problems of control of evolutionary systems with inaccurately specified initial-value conditions" by Yegana Ashrafova for the degree of Doctor of Mathematics, specialty 1203.01 – “Computer Science” was discussed at the meeting. The thesis was recommended for submission to the next stage.
Note that the meeting of the Scientific Seminar was held in line with the "Requirements" for the organization and conduct of discussions at scientific seminars operating under dissertation councils in the special quarantine regime approved by the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated 29 January 2021.