2nd International Conference on Information Technologies and their Applications to be held

The 2nd International Conference on Information Technologies and Their Applications (ITTA'2024) will be held in Baku on April 23-25, 2024.
The conference will be organized by the Ministry of Science and Education (Azerbaijan), Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction Institute of Control Systems (Azerbaijan), Institute of Information Technology (Azerbaijan), Ege University (Türkiye)
V.M. Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics (Ukraine), and Institute of Information and Computational Technologies (Kazakhstan).
The main aim of the international conference is to discuss topical scientific and practical problems in the field of informatics by bringing together representatives of research institutions, universities, international organizations, public and private sectors.
Conference topics:
Information technologies in construction and architecture (including smart building, smart village, smart city)
Artificial intelligence and its applications
Problems and methods of big data processing
Parallel computing
Problems and methods of signal processing
Information technologies in management of complex objects and processes
Intelligent control systems
Intelligent information systems
Computer networks and cyber security issues
Application of information technologies in education
Language of the conference: English
For more information, please follow the link below: https://itta.cyber.az