Dissertational work on cognitive technologies performed under the scientific ...
15.10.2015 / Conferences, assembliesDissertational work on cognitive technologies performed under the scientific supervision Acad. Ali M. Abbasov, successfully protected and approved by the of Higher Attestation Commission of Azerbaijan.
At the Institute of Control Systems ANAS dissertation work "Methods and models of identification of kore management competencies of telecommunications companies" of dissertator Islam I. Safarli is protected and received approval by Higher Attestation Commission of Republic.
Methods and models developed by Islam I. Safarli are based on ideas and tools of cognitive technologies.
The cognitive technologies, along with the bio-, nano- and information technologies classified by the US National Science Foundation as a main trend of world science for the upcoming 50 years (NBIC- Сonvergence).
Scientific supervisor of the dissertation work is Acad. Ali M. Abbasov.
Scientific consultant - Robert A. Karayev.
This is the second dissertation work on cognitive technologies which defended in Azerbaijan.
First dissertation on cognitive technologies was performed in the Republic in 2004. Her scientific supervisor was also Acad. Ali M. Abbasov.
Cognitive technologies open up a new stage in the modeling and management of complex (ill structured) objects which form the dominant class of objects of the modern world differs from the traditional objects deterministic, probabilistic, and fuzzy nature.