Employees of the Institute of Control Systems took part in the international conference
11.09.2023 /On September 4-8, 2023, the traditional 11th Applied Inverse Problems Conference (AIP2023) was held at the University of Göttingen, Germany. Among the participants of the conference were Anar Rahimov, DSc in Mathematics, chief researcher of the Institute of Control Systems of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan and leading researcher Elshan Ibayev, PhD in Mathematics.
A. Rahimov made a presentation on "Numerical solution to inverse source problems for a parabolic equation with nonlocal conditions" at the Inverse Modelling with Applications mini-symposium organized by Prof. Daniel Lesnik of the University of Leeds, UK, and Dr. Karel Van Bockstal of the University of Ghent, Belgium, at the invitation of the former. E. Ibayev presented his paper "Solution of the fractional order differential equation for Laplace transform of a boundary functional of a semi-Markov process using inverse Laplace transform". Both presentations raised the interest of the participants of the conference and various questions on the subject were answered.
Note that the Applied Inverse Problems Conference is held every two years as the first series of scientific conferences organized by the International Association Inverse Problems (IPIA) in this field. Because of the prestige of the participating scientists who play an important role in the field of inverse problems, the conference was attended by 560 participants from different countries, and papers were presented in 16 parallel sessions. The conference program included 12 plenary papers, 59 invited papers as the minisymposium, additionally submitted papers, and 24 poster presentations.