Employees of the Institute of Control Systems took part in an international scientific conference
22.09.2023 /Head of the Laboratory of Control Methods in Complex Dynamic Systems of the Institute of Control Systems (ICS) of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Professor Kamil Mansimov and leading researcher of the laboratory, Associate Professor Rashad Mastaliyev took part in the V International Conference "Dynamic Systems and Computer Science: Theory and Applications" (DYSC-2023), held from September 18 to 23, 2023 in Irkutsk, Russia. The conference is organized by the Institute of Mathematics and Information Technologies of Irkutsk State University in a hybrid format.
Kamil Mansimov presented around 6 abstracts on obtaining optimality conditions in discrete and continuous system optimal control problems, coauthored with A. Abdullayev, Associate Professor S. Aliyeva, A. Mansimzade, K.Aliyev, A.Kerimova and Sh.V. Suleymanova. Rashad Mastaliyev presented his paper "Toward optimal processes in stochastic discrete controlled systems". The presentations raised the interest of the participants of the conference, various questions on the topics were answered.
Note that K. Mansimov was elected a member of the program committee of the conference.