Reporting meetings of the Science Council of the Institute of Control Systems for the current year are being held
21.11.2023 /The reports of a number of laboratories for the current year were presented at the meeting of the Science Council of the Institute of Control Systems (ICS) on November 21, 2023. The meeting was attended by the administration of the Institute, members of the Council, heads of departments and laboratories in full.
The reports of the Public Relations Department, Laboratory of Technologies and Systems of Identification of Technical Condition of Objects, Laboratory of Methods of Development of Technical Means of Control Systems, Laboratory of Modeling of Technical Objects and Processes, Laboratory of Intelligent Diagnostics and Control Systems for Oil and Gas Production Facilities, and Doctor of Engineering Abbas Rzayev for the year 2023 were presented at the meeting.
The reports were widely discussed and open voting was held, as a result of which the reports were positively evaluated.